Ésta es la última
experiencia ARISS. El pasado día 8 de agosto los alumnos de la escuela
secundaria Soar Valley College de Leicester, Inglaterra consiguieron contactar
con el astronauta ED LU con el indicativo NA1SS abordo de la ISS, a la
16.25.30 horas UTC.
El paso de la estación
permitió el intercambio de 13 preguntas con Ed. Las condiciones
de propagación fueron excelentes y las respuestas del astronauta
pudieron escucharse
desde España: (mp3
/ 16Kbs)
La escuela en verano dispone de una colonia de ciencias para jóvenes de entre 12 y 13 años. Durante tres días desarrollan un conjunto de experimentos generalizados, incluyendo la construcción y lanzamiento de un cohete. El entusiasmo de haber hablado con el astronauta no lo volverán a olvidar.
La prensa y TV local se hicieron
eco de estos acontecimientos incluyendo entrevistas con los participantes.
m | FRIDAY AUGUST 8, 2003 at 16:26 UTC
1. My name is Kapil. If you have been in space for a long time and you return home, would you find it easy to get used to gravity? OVER 2. My name is Amal. How do you eat in space? OVER 3. My name is Lucy. What sort of food do you eat? If it’s all pre-packaged doesn’t it get boring? OVER 4. My name is Fatema. When you’re in space you eat out of a tube, but what do you do so that it fits into the tube? OVER 5. My name is Nirali. How would you retrieve your equipment if you lost it in space? How do you avoid getting hit by it if you cannot get it back? OVER 6. My name is Rajan. What is dailly life like? For example how do you use water on the space station? How do you go to the toilet? OVER 7. My name is Bhvta. What man made features can you see from where you are ? OVER 8. My name is Nimesh. What jobs do you do at present on the space station ? OVER 9. My name is Richard. Does having no gravity put you at an advantage or disadvantage when doing everyday things and why? OVER 10. My name is Reid. How do you get by simple daily tasks in space such as preparing meals washing and using toiletries? OVER 11. My name is Thomas. What is it like being away from your family for so long? OVER 12. My name is Danny. What training is required to be an astronaut? OVER 13. My name is Delraj. Have you ever encountered any unexpected obstacles in space? OVER 14. My name is Arti. How do you avoid debris in space? OVER 15. My name is Dhara. When you first got onto the space station what went through your head and what did you feel when you saw the view ? OVER 16. My name is Zoe. How do you cope being so far away from your family for so long? OVER 17. My name is Aftab. What do you like most about being an astronaut ? OVER 18. My name is Seema. How long did it take you to be trained as an astronaut? OVER 19. My name is Kulveer. What is it like to be in space? OVER 20. My name is Manpreet. Do you ever wonder what it would be like if you had a different carreer? OVER |